The things I do in the SCA

These are the things I do to have fun in the SCA

Heavy Combat

I have bee a fighter in the SCA since 2002. Authorized weapon and shield, dual weapon, great weapon, pole arm, spear and balista.


I do leather work, blacksmithing, metalcasting, wood working, armoring, chainmail, brewing.

Hang with my peeps

I spend a lot of time in camp, eating and drinking and enjoying the company of my chosen family.

(SCA Persona) – A Jute, born in the great and fine lands of Jótland, I was raised to be a metalsmith but learned to wage battle to protect my home lands. As life went on I saw a need to go forth and engage those that would someday try to take our lands. Now I live by my sword and get paid in plunder. It is a fitting life.. May the gods look down on me with favor.

Hearing news of an army from the south advancing north, I and fellow kinsmen took to the ships. We sailed south and west along the coast and up the Elbe. We joined with the armies to push back the advancing Romans. For many years I fought as a mercenary against Rome. With plenty of gold, weapons and armor taken from my enemies I took back to the ship. Sailing from Gaul I made my way north to the island of Britannia. One day I may find myself in my homelands but for now life is good. I have even married a fine celtic woman of Anglesey. Now I fight by her side and with members of Anglesey.

I work as a smith and armorer, a woodworker and metal caster. This is what occupies my time and keeps my family well fed and clothed.

I started doing the SCA thing in 2000 with Pennsic being my first event. I have played with a couple early period groups and finally found myself with the Free Company of Anglesey. I feel I finally found my place within a group. At Pennsic 42 I was elected Warlord of Anglesey. That was when I truly knew I found my home.

About 2009 I decided to get my device and a badge registered. Then I found out a friend (Lady Sabine Berard), I met outside the SCA, was a herald and I asked her for some guidance. At the time she was not warranted and could not sign off and submit my paperwork. Finally I ended up going to Heralds Point at Pennsic 41 to get my stuff submitted.

Finally that was done. The passing of my badge overturned precedent. Which was interesting. So, now I have an official name, device and badge in the SCA. I believe it was March 2013 that it was finally passed.

At Highland River Melees in June 2013, I was shocked when I was called into court of Their Royal Atlantian Majesties, Amos and Ysabella, where I received my Award of Arms. It is listed in the Order of Precedence as  Bjartmarr Hornabrjotr Juzki, AKA Andreadan, Ondraedan Eldjorson. Ondraedan Eldjorson being the name I use on my Facebook page.

Now as I am getting older and my fighting career is slowing down, I am making a move to the Arts and Sciences. I intend to stick to my early period interest focusing on early Germanic and Scandinavian cultures during the Migration period. I have a wide range of interest including woodworking, blacksmithing, metal casting and brewing. I am also interested in learning glass casting and lamp work beading and tablet weaving.

I have created a lot of projects in the past but I was not into doing the documentation. I just wanted to learn the skills and make the things. Now I want to get more into documenting my research and creating things in the way they would have been done without all the modern equipment to which I have access. So, if you are interested you can follow my journey here.

My chosen family in the SCA is "The Free Company of Anglesey". A group that has been fighting in the SCA for more than 30 years.

Things as they happen

All the projects, all the things.

First go at etching.

( Original Post 12/06/2010 – ) This was the result of my first attempt at etching bronze.I did the etching on a flat bronze disk then dished it by hand with a hammer on Read more…

New Hat

(Original Post 10/13/2008 – ) Well, I have the big, hot sheep skin hat but I wanted something that was nice looking, period and not as hot. So this weekend I made a new Read more…

Medieval Game Board

(original Post 10/13/2008 – ) So, I get board sitting around camp and wanted some period games to play. So this weekend I made a game board. I based it off some pre-viking and Read more…

Looking to connect?

Find me at an event

To find me at an event just look for Anglesey. If I am there someone wearing an Ang will be able to point me out

Drop me an email.

bjartmarr at
